
John Oliver on Donald Trump's Inhuman, Blatantly Racist Family Separation Policy [VIDEO]

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/05/2018 4:45:23 pm PST

re: #314 HappyWarrior

Regarding KSU gun girl, she rubs me the wrong way because she went to NYC, a city that although I don’t or have not lived there has a special place for me since I visit frequently and I have cousins from there. For her to just trash it like that and her whole smug attitude is just obnoxious as is her whole claim to fame.You can’t tell me that if she were a black girl or especially a black male and she posed with guns the way she does that the conservatives who applaud her would find it okay. And that really is the crux of what gets me about gun nuts like her, Dana Loesch, and others.

She strikes me as someone inauthentic. She latches on to the most common conservative bugaboos — NYV is filthy, gun control is bad — and then tries to make bank on them. It all seems forced and insincere. She probably had a great time in NYC, because why else would she go there? The negative tweets were just to get clicks and follows. Ditto the open carry nonsense at Kent State, who told her, “Girl, you graduated. Get off the campus,” and she makes it into infringement of her 2nd Amendment rights.

Grasping at straws, she is.