
Thursday Afternoon Open

jaunte1/08/2009 3:19:15 pm PST

Please email your Senators:

“NO” on Coburn Omnibus Bill (S. 22)

The Club for Growth urges all Senators to vote “NO” on the latest version of the “Coburn Omnibus” bill, officially dubbed as the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2008 (S. 22).
This bill is a hodgepodge of 150 different bills and dozens of pork projects totaling more than $10 billion in new spending. This is hardly an auspicious start for a Congress and a new President who are promising “change.”
This bill contains such questionable programs as $5 million for the National Tropical Botanical Garden in Hawaii and Florida, $1 billion for a water project in California intended to settle a lawsuit with environmental groups, and $12 million for a greenhouse in Maryland.