
Pepsi Goes Nuts for the Big O

RaiderDan2/04/2009 5:20:23 pm PST

Liberal Fascism.

Just imagine if the boot was on the other foot and Pepsi, Ikea and other corporations lined up to salute George W. Bush and “compassionate conservatism” or Sarah Palin?

I truly truly know how communism, fascism and Nazism swept into power, on a wave of optimism and youthful exuberance. Everybody just got “caught up in it” and nobody said stop….

I really wanted to set up a table at the inauguration with Obama symbol pins, flags and armbands, just to see if anybody noticed.

Lets see, we have MSNBC beaming Obama’s inauguration into movie theaters for the “Volk”

We have corporations adopting a politicians symbol as their corporate logo….

We have a cottage industry churning out plates, pictures, souvenirs etc. of the “Great Leader” and a media printing hundreds of “inaugural” issue magazines and newspapers, nothing more than thinly-disguised propaganda.

When the Obama Youth Brigades with their “O” symbols on their sleeves begin their marches in the streets chanting “Hope” and “Change” and ordering manditory recycling of Ann Coulter’s “Guilty” for “hate crime” violations, it’ll be too late to resist.

Pepsi: The Choice of a New Generation… of Liberal Fascists.

You. Were. Warned.