
Jan Brewer: Not That Strong a Debater

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All9/03/2010 1:47:34 pm PDT

What really worries me is how easily the generations that are older are willing to succumb to fear and racism. It’s like 9/11 took a bunch of people and made them go, ‘OMG, people don’t like us and want us dead and knee jerk reactions abound.

Now we’re seeing all the chickens come home to roost from years of living in fear of the next terror attack. People respond to fear not by becoming nicer people, they become more xenophobic, more reactionary, more willing to blame the outsider for their world becoming a more dangerous place.

To tie this back to Jan Brewer, she knows she doesn’t have to debate again, she’ll win, even with that terrible debate. There’s enough people who are afraid of the illegals, who want America to be just like the America they had in the 50s. They want to return back to the heyday and the Republican party promises to make America just like the way they want it.

Why should she debate? Through the Liberal disillusionment (OMG Obama sold us out!) and lack of enthusiasm, and through the continued efforts by the Republicans to stonewall any efforts to help pull us out of a very dangerous deflationary cycle, we have a crappy economy and the current party in power is going to pay for it.

It’s negative politics at it’s worst, because it’s not just a party being torn down to win, it’s America being torn down, just so the Republicans get back in power. And the worst part, it looks like it’s working.