
Truther Document 'Signatories' Say They Were Misled

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/04/2009 11:37:37 am PDT

re: #321 cliffster

that, too, doesn’t make sense. I pointed out that it doesn’t make sense to say, “hey conservatives, what are you doing about Iran and Russia?” That’s in the hands of the liberal WH and liberal Congress. Nothing I said said anything about anyone forcing the right to be more pathetic, you made that up.

And you missed the point. Suppose, just suppose that the GOP were calmly, patiently and factually building a case about Iran in a truthful and patient manner.

I am somehow shocked that the Average American can get so hepped up about health insurance, but not about something that is a clear and present danger like an Iranian nuke. So just imagine that all of the energy that was put into town halls got pointed some place useful.

Ohhh, but then that wouldn’t mean the big campaign check from pfizer, and would actually be serving America and doing one’s duty. Duty does not go away because it is hard.