
Seth Meyers: The House Impeaches President Trump in Historic Vote [VIDEO]

ckkatz12/19/2019 9:20:18 am PST

re: #331 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Floyd also arranged for a lot of muskets to be shipped to arsenals in the South after the John Brown raid on Harper’s Ferry. The northern press was not happy about that, or the cannons, and there were charges that he was doing in preparation for secession. (Floyd resigned once Buchanan decided to try to reinforce Fort Sumter. And Floyd’s subsequent performance as a general in CSA service was pretty self-serving. Especially when nominally in command of Fort Donelson when Grant turned up to capture it.)

Floyd, by the way, was a former Governor of Virginia. Floyd County, Virginia is named after him.

Wikipedia has this amusing description of his tenure as Buchanan’s Secretary of War:

“In March 1857, Floyd became Secretary of War in Buchanan’s cabinet, where his lack of administrative ability was soon apparent”

He was also indicted for corruption during his tenure, but still managed to leave office broke.

And your point is well made, Floyd did not cover himself in glory as a Confederate General either.