
Green Lantern #55, September 1967: 'Cosmic Enemy Number One'

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce11/20/2010 3:52:23 pm PST

re: #7 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Never a GL fan, but I’m looking forward to Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.

Aside from all things Batman, my superhero comic book obsessions involved the X-Men, the Amazing Spiderman, and the Silver Surfer.


X-Men: Whoa, pretty cool! Excellent adaptation of Wolverine, and it’s hard to imagine a better fit than Patrick Stewart for Professor Xavier. Also, Mystique. Hubba.

X-Men 2: Holy shit, Xavier and Magneto would probably rule the world for better or for worse, except for the fucking Holocaust.

X-Men 3: Derp da terpty toop da dumpty derpa donka poo.


Spiderman: OK, here’s the story of Peter Parker. Bonus: Willem DaFoe as the villain.

Spiderman II: Hey folks, remember that I am the same dude responsible for the Evil Dead movies, and also Army of Darkness. Sci-fi and horror nerds world-wide love it. So this film is going to be Spiderman through the prism of my earlier horror films, and OMFG it will be wonderful.

Spiderman 3: Derp da terpty toop da dumpty derpa donka poo.