
Now Scott Brown Is Getting Into the Deceptive Editing Business

Eventual Carrion7/23/2012 10:52:32 am PDT

re: #18 Big Steve

Regarding the original (and uncut) quote by the President, I had one minor objection. He mentions that if you are successful you were helped

…How about parents? I can say without a doubt that any success I have had in life was far more influenced by my parents than anyone else.

True about your parents if they put up the money for your building, machinery, licenses, bonds, beginning capitol to pay workers while getting started, paid to train the workers, paid to put in the roads for the workers to get to work, paid for the right of way and brought in the power lines for electricity, natural gas piping if they are needed, drilled for that natural gas, water and sewage lines, etc …

Then yes. But if other peoples money helped educate the workers over a 6th grade reading level, payed to install and maintain the roads, etc. then you had help outside your family. Probably even had help from the despised of your community or country that paid the taxes to make that all available to you (even Al Gore who created your internet).