
Graham and McCain Continue Freaking Out Over the Benghazi Fake Scandal

ausador11/27/2012 11:51:11 am PST

The conspiracy branch of the wingnuts are coming to the rescue, soon this Benghazi story will be taken about as seriously as the truthers or the birthers are. Why? Because the wingnuts have come up with their own version of what happened in Benghazi. It goes like this…

Instead of arming the Libyan rebels to fight against Gaddafi what we were really doing was secretly running guns and munitions directly to Al-Qaeda. This is because the President is a super secret Muslim who really, really, likes Muslim extremists killing our people and wants them to be able to do even more of it!

There are two different theories about the consulate attack though:

1. Chris Stevens and Sean Smith were in on the arms shipments to Al-Qaeda but the supply shipments were stopped once they could no longer be covered up by the Libyan civil war. Stevens and Smith then became unnecessary and the President ordered his terrorist buddies to kill them to safeguard the secret.

2. Chris Stevens and Sean Smith had nothing to do with the arms shipments to Al-Qaeda but one of them somehow found out about them and then told the other. The Presidents secret, terrorist supporting, faction within the CIA found out that they knew and alerted the President. The President then had his terrorist buddies kill them both to keep them from blowing the whistle and exposing him as a super secret Muslim and terrorist supporter.

Seriously, check out this google search for “Benghazi gun running.”

They have taken Fast & Furious and combined it with Benghazi and gotten an even bigger pile of steaming Derp from the union. These people will literally believe anything if it conforms to their biases, at this point they have almost completely lost sight of reality in their rearviews. :(