
After Falling for Fake "Friends of Hamas," Ben Shapiro Calls Real Journalist a "Hack"

Kragar2/20/2013 10:57:15 am PST

According to Math, the Worst Color Shirt to Wear on Star Trek Is Actually Yellow

In fact, by percentage of total population of crewmen wearing their respective colors, the blue science and medical officers have it safest, only losing 5.1% of their population. Redshirts have it the next best, with an even 10%, and it’s the yellow shirts of command and helm crew who top out at losing 13.4% of their population over the course of the series. Barsalou can break it down even further: only a portion of red shirted crewmen are actually security personell, the specific population of crewmembers who suffered the worst casualties at 20%. But Barsalou takes it a step further: