
Rick Perry Mansplains Wendy Davis: 'She Was a Teenage Mother Herself'

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/27/2013 1:37:25 pm PDT

re: #338 lawhawk

Oh Erick, son of Erick, you’re so funny:

As if the House and GOPers nationally are doing such a bang up job on the economy. NJ’s economy is puttering along with unemployment higher than the national average, and higher than neighboring states.

Texas is ignoring the economy to focus like a laser beam on eradicating womens’ access to abortions.

But that makes for a great fable. One that many of his followers will lap up and read to comfort them at night.

I was going to say. The House of Reps that his kind wanted are the people constantly trying to repeal ACA with its signer in the WH, have pushed a practical ban on abortion, and as of today have also pushed a constitutional marriage amendment. Talk to your own side Erick before you bitch at the Senate for doing something that will actually have an impact.