
The Bob Cesca Podcast, Featuring Yours Truly

William Lewis5/23/2019 9:45:27 am PDT

Crazy week at work - I’ve got 39.5 hours since Sunday and I’m nearly the lowest hours person there - we changed from a Comfort Suites franchise to a Holiday Inn Express and Suites on 00:01 Tuesday. It’s a long term mistake but I’m not the owner so…

Finally getting Today and Friday off, but I had a VA doctor’s appointment at the local clinic. Med check and labs. I am told i am diabetic but my blood numbers are perfect. I have high blood pressure but it’s under control. Weight really is way too high, going to have more pee pill to help with that. Oh and add a cholesterol pill. meh.

Get outside and find that while my bicycle is still there, some stole the milk crate I’d rigged as a grocery carrier. Many cuss words were thought. Since I’d been fasting, I rode to my favorite greasy spoon and indulged there. I then stopped at the liquor store on the way home and discovered they no longer carry 750ml bottles of my preferred cheap whiskey so I splurged again and got a liter of Famous Grouse. Screw it.

But I am home, out of the rain and no appointments or anything else for the rest of the day. I have good ale and better scotch and DE just dropped Update 25: The Jovian Concord for Warframe so I will soon be a well lubricated Tenno doing mean things to the Corpus and the Grineer with my Excalibur and Loki Prime.