
Ted Nugent Calls People Who Criticize His Racism and Extremism "Unclean Vermin"

lawhawk7/24/2014 8:02:27 am PDT

re: missiles found in UNRWA school

UNRWA is a civilian agency. It does have some security personnel, but not EOD. That’s not their job, nor is it their job description.

They are required to notify the local authorities to take the weapons away should they come across unexploded ordnance. The PA is nominally the authority in charge (and Hamas claims to have reconciled with Fatah), but Hamas controls Gaza.

So, who exactly came to take away the weapons isn’t entirely clear. UNRWA says that they reported the weapons to Ramallah (where the PA is located), and local police took away the weapons.

But again, the local police are essentially under Hamas control.

Egypt has no authority here. Nor would Israel - it is not an occupying power in Gaza, and UNRWA is not supposed to take sides per its mandate. However, it would appear that handing the missiles over to the local police is essentially handing these weapons back to Hamas.