
Newt Gingrich Admits Serial Philandering

What, me worry?8/08/2010 1:02:59 pm PDT

re: #325 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I have some sympathy for Christians who sin. We know what we’re doing while we do it… we do it anyway. “Cognitive Dissonance” was invented by Christians, I think.

We can rationalized like mutherfuckers too.

Frank Burns: God meant us to find each other.
Hotlips O’Houlihan: [enthusiastically, opening her blouse] His will be done.

The movie…

But everybody sins. It’s what we do as imperfect humans. The idea is to make amends as quickly as possible, move on and learn not to do it again. Not an easy thing either.

I blame Jerry Springer for first making the exposure of everyone’s dirty laundry America’s new past time. Of course, if he didn’t do it, someone else probably would have.