
Police Evict OWS Protesters from Zuccotti Park

harrylook11/15/2011 11:42:57 am PST

re: #332 000G

You fail to adress my question: Should there be a reasonable restriction on monied free speech (not just for “purchasing TV ads”) and if so, what should it be? Are you in favor of corporate personhood on this context?

A corporation, a partnership, etc. - they are associations of people. I think they have First Amendment rights. If OWS incorporates and wants to run political ads, I don’t think there is any good reason to restrict OWS, Inc.’s speech on TV beyond the normal restrictions about decency, etc. I don’t know what you mean by “monied” speech, but I don’t think you should be restricted more in your speech because you are richer than others. As for TV ads, what is the need to restrict them? There are many legal reasons why the gov’t might want to restrict the time period of a protest in a public space. That’s why they are different cases to me.