
Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal Will Join Pastor Who Wants to Execute Gays

Blind Frog Belly White10/30/2015 3:28:49 pm PDT

re: #344 Targetpractice

Seriously, if the wingnuts think it’s bad now, what do they think it’s going to be like next fall, when the general election debates begin and their sacrificial lamb makes a gaffe on live TV? Do they think Rinsed is just going to cancel the remaining debates? How do they figure that will look to voters, that the “librul media” beat up on their candidate, or that he’s a whiny little shit that can’t take a bloody nose?

The disorganization of the debate and the outcry among wingnuts gives the RNC the opportunity to bludgeon the media into subservience, to make sure the next debates are limited to questions about who REALLY hates Hillary.