
A Peace Prize for the President

Flyers197410/09/2009 9:40:48 am PDT

re: #337 StillAMarine

I am going to repeat, for the most part, a post to a previous open thread:

GREAT EXPECTATIONS! This sounds like a Charles Dickens novel — at least a novel. I will not say a fantasy novel, given that Yassir Arafat and Jimmy Carter are previous recipients of the Peace prize. Now that’s fantasy!

For what reason could Obama have earned a Nobel Prize for Peace other than for the expectation that he will make great strides toward peace?
He has not yet done anything to warrant such a prize; as a matter of fact he has endangered peace with his naivety and artlessness. I would really love to see Obama succeed and actually do something that promotes peace, but so far only the opposite has been achieved.

How has Obama promoted or achieved the opposite?