
MI Republican Wants Foster Children to Buy Clothes Only in Thrift Stores

unwashed masses4/24/2011 2:28:37 pm PDT

re: #337 calochortus

It is interesting and good job with your research. Gotta give credit where credit is due.

In the scheme of things though, this tidbit of information is so small and irrelevant to the major problems we are facing in our country. If every candidate was looked at with a fine toothed comb like you have with this issue (and dont get me wrong, I think you did a commendable job and candidates should be put to the test) the enormity of discrepencies and outright lies from other candidates would take up a gigantic portion of the space in the Internet. Nobody is perfect, I just happen to think RP has a lot more integrity, common sense, and a more principled voting record of any other candidate.