
Palin Finally Recognizes Alaskan Missile Defense Role

LGoPs4/07/2009 10:01:41 am PDT

re: #287 Capt. Queeg

Voter fraud? Did that work the same way as when Bush stole FL in ‘00 and OH in ‘04. Please.

Every major news organization went to Florida after the recounts and challenges ended and confirmed that Bush had in fact won. The same media that had dropped any pretense of being objective.
Yet the voter fraud idea remains as is evident by your statement. And I am firmly convinced that since the perception remains, the liberals have dropped any pretense of fair elections and feel fully justified to openly try to steal elections.
Which side is the one that wants same day regostration; that wants to flood the system with newly registered voters; that fights tooth and nail against attempts for voter ID?
And yet you say that Bush stole the election.