
Overnight Video: The Device

Interesting Times10/03/2012 8:43:40 am PDT

re: #337 NJDhockeyfan

re: #338 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Oh good. Now I have the perfect excuse to post this Jon Stewart piece, utterly trashing the idiotic rightwing response to school-lunch-gate:

Jon Stewart Gets to the Bottom of What’s Wrong with School Lunches

Students are protesting their lunches. What’s exactly the problem? Jon Stewart looked into it last night on The Daily Show. Well, the food under new health guidelines tastes bad. Stewart jokes, “News flash! Extry extry! School lunches suck!” And students are still hungry after they eat it. “So you hate the food and you want more of it.”

But wait, is the government really restricting the amount of food? It’s not all foods. Students can get seconds of fruits and vegetables. So why are the kids still hungry? Apparently twice as many students are throwing out their lunches. “Hmm, now I am obviously not an nutritionist or an educator,” Stewart says, “but I think if these kids are hungry, I guess my solution would be…eat your motherf**kin lunch!”

Video of the segment is at the link.