
Top US Communication Studies Mailing List Publishes David Duke Article

Last Mohican1/16/2009 9:34:08 am PST

re: #8 Opinionated

But here is what is the glaring part: with even public calls on American streets for violence against Jews, no media outlet or person in
Governmental authority has chosen to comment and criticise.

Bad times are coming.

Not only will anyone comment or criticize… I think underlying that indifference is the presupposition that this violent hatred is perfectly reasonable. When someone demonstrates in Manhattan holding a sign that says “kill all the Jews,” the general reaction is “well, of course he feels that way, look at the horrible things the Jews are doing in the Middle East.”

In past (and sometimes in the present) it was “well of course he feels that way, the Jews killed Jesus.” Or “the Jews caused the bubonic plague.” Or “the Jews control all the banks and steal everyone’s money.” Or “the Jews kill babies and drink their blood.”

If the same sign had said “kill all the n*ggers,” you can bet that nobody would be rationalizing reasons why it’s okay to feel that way.

Indeed, bad times are coming.