
Evening Insanity Break: Salesman Pete

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/22/2010 7:59:41 pm PDT

Since I’ve been bitchin’ and moanin’ all evening, here is another one:

The local supermarket usually has standing in front of the main doors various beggars groups trying to raise money.

This week it’s the Boy Scouts.

They’re selling bags of candied (caramel) corn and other similar sweets.

It’s junk food pure and simple.

Yet they have these young guys - probably about 7 or 8 years old - hawking the stuff to raise money.

It dawned on me that these youngsters are just tools of Big Ag. The holy Boy Scouts, who the the right-wing idolize so much in this country, are just smiling faces to push corn syrup.

If the Boy Scouts really were about character why not have them work on a local farm (that is still independently own and operated by a family farmer) on weekends and then sell the produce at the end of year?