
Hate-Monger Fjordman Back to Writing After Breivik Furor Declines

Mostly sane, most of the time.10/26/2011 10:57:45 am PDT

re: #33 Simply Sarah

Well, OK, maybe it did happen a few times, but it wasn’t some wide spread thing in feminist demonstrations.

Personally, I don’t care much one way or another, since I would be supportive of the act if it were done (Which isn’t to say bras don’t have their uses at times, for sure). Perhaps it’s a bad reaction to say it’s mostly a myth, since I should just be defending the concept, regardless of if it happened or not.

The reason it got blown up more is that it is titillating. If you’re a newspaper editor in 1970, and you have ten pictures of a person with a sign, and one of a woman burning her bra, guess which one made the front page.

As for why we need bras:

Youtube Video