
Former Colin Powell Aide: Dick Cheney 'Fears Being Tried As a War Criminal'

Birth Control Works8/30/2011 6:29:11 pm PDT

re: #343 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

All the more reason to get in to see a doctor. At worst, he’ll do like a lot of doctors do and lecture you on how your “bad habits” are slowly killing you and how you need to exercise more, eat less, and go on supplements. But if it really was a mini heart attack, then they’ll be able to tell due to chemical markers in the blood from heart muscle death and go from there.

Yeah, that freaks me out. When I was in they were concerned with some enzyme marker in my bloodwork that could have indicated a stroke (IIRC). Kept me for another 2 hours checking it out.

Strokes are the think in my family, not cardiac issues, so I was majorly freaked-out.

In the end they gave me a script for tummy meds.