
Excellent Mashup: Filmography 2013

Birth Control Works12/15/2013 7:33:20 am PST

re: #350 Dark_Falcon

But that just dovetails into what I was saying: They foster concerns about legislation, not the kind of backdoor tactics the conspiracists allege.

Of course, it is also the case the NRA does not not want to endanger its or its corporate affiliates relationships with federal law enforcement (other than the ATF, federal law enforcement is often positively portrayed by the NRA) and the military. Individual law enforcement officers and soldiers are actually big buyers of firearms and especially their accessories, and the firearms industry values that stream of business.

Dark, if they really wanted a political savvy membership, they would send more than propaganda. They would include reference links and Bill numbers. Not just one-liners to repeat to your congress critters.

To do any real research on guns in American, one must search out other sources than the NRA.

I know, I’ve done it.