
Seth Meyers: Trump's Shutdown Really Is Making America Less Safe [VIDEO]

lawhawk1/25/2019 7:17:58 am PST

Trump and GOP are breaking functioning government and putting national security and safety at risk.

The GOP and Trump own this fucking shutdown. Only McConnell can end it by stopping his covering for Trump. Put up the clean CR and let the caucus vote as they did in December.

Trump thinks the wall makes us safer, and shut down government to prove it. He’s stopped E-Verify, cut funding for investigations and prosecutions of gangs, including MS-13. He’s stopped paying USCG members. He’s stopped paying FBI officers (6 Trumpworld arrests, and get your 7th free). He’s imperiling all Americans and undermining our national security (and we have the receipts on the fact that his own officials overrode the reports that said Jared should not receive clearance - along with 30 others who Trump wanted but had no business being anywhere near classified info).

Everyone in Trumpworld owns this shitshow. Everyone in the GOP leadership owns Trumpworld as they’ve enabled and covered for Trump.

No more.

Trumpworld no more.