
The Incredibly Strange CPAC That Stopped Living and Became a Mixed Up Zombie

Targetpractice3/13/2013 12:47:08 pm PDT

re: #347 HappyWarrior

That too. Seriously, how ACA has been made out to be this massively leftist legislation is hilarious. The law is more closer to what Bob Dole proposed in the 1990’s than what Ted Kennedy championed for years. There’s a reason why a lot of liberals weren’t happy with it. I mean it is what it is, I’d rather have something than nothing in the end but to act like it’s leftist shows how nuts the Republicans are getting.

True, but the GOP of 2009 was not the one of 1996. Were Dole still around Capital Hill, he’d either have had to pull McCain’s bit of dashing to the far-right to keep his seat or he’d be marginalized as a “RINO.”