
Evolution Street Is One Way Only

swamprat9/29/2009 6:59:12 pm PDT

re: #325 Walter L. Newton

Yep, you got my drift. You know where I get religion? Walk into a pre-columbian ruin, a kiva, a cliff dwelling. I don’t mean “religion” as in anything metaphysical, but I mean in the sudden “force” you feel of those people, the determination, living in such a place, the dedication, that’s the real power, enough to bring me to tears every time.

Went to a museum in Arizona, I think.
There were the remains of a mother and her child.
My wife started getting upset.
She explained.
“See the piece of jewelry around her neck, the eagle?
Now look at the baby- there is one too.
She has an eagle. The baby’s is round.
Those missing pieces on hers didn’t fall off.
They were removed to make the baby’s.
Hers has sharp edges, but she took the pieces from hers to make to the round one for her baby so it could have one too, but round with no sharp corners.
They both got sick”

I sometimes hate having an intuitive and insightful wife.