
Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?

Cato the Elder2/13/2010 6:18:24 pm PST

re: #322 windsagio

Get a grip man.

You’re being wildly irrational. Chill out and come back.

At worst it was a blog comment.

I don’t need to chill, and I’m coming back at your ass right now.

My support for Israel is based on the FACT that they have been under genocidal attack since before they became a state.

It’s based on the FACT that Israel is a democracy in a sea of Islamofascists who would and daily threaten to wipe out that state regardless of how many of their Muslim brethren would die in the process.

It’s based on the FACT that while there are virtually no Jews left in the Arab world, Israel’s second-biggest, enfranchised, represented population in the Knesset is Arab.

It’s based on the FACT that Israel, when it had no money and no resources, took in every single Jew kicked out of the Arab world and gave them shelter, succor and a chance at making it, whilst the so-called Palestinian “refugees” eternally vegetating in UN-run camps by law can’t get citizenship in any Arab country - because that would decrease their usefulness as puppets to the genocidal anti-Israel polemicists.

It’s based on the FACT that whilst the “resistance” against Israeli “occupation” has always relied on terror, Israeli defense has always sought to minimize civilian deaths and go for the assholes behind the violence.

It’s based on the FACT that Israel officially condemns its crazies, whilst the PLO valorizes and heroizes its “martyrs” with parades and icons.

It is also based on the FACT that I saw and understood all this as a kid in 1972.

Now go take a shit in the ocean.