
Administering the Occasional Reminder

jamesfirecat7/17/2010 10:08:06 pm PDT

re: #347 Mich-again

I think its more likely that some aspects of the legislation made matters worse, but instead of facing up to that and going after the root of the problem, we get the “If the medicine aint working, increase the dosage!” strategy.

And in my opinion, jobs and education are the two most urgent needs in the cities. But the Dems are somewhat hog-tied in addressing those needs because they are beholden to unions and the education lobby. So the cities get lip service.

Really? I think they’re somewhat hog tied when it comes to jobs at the moment because the Republicans treat the idea of Deficit spending when theirs a democrat in the White House (on anything other than Tax cuts for the Rich) like its the end of the world and refuse to let another Stimulus pass that might create more jobs just like the first one did!