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eon1/03/2009 2:57:01 pm PST

re: #316 WhiteRasta

>”The CNN talking head was referring to the Palis as David and the Israelis as Goliath….”

Typical liberal idiot think. The victim is the aggressor and the aggressor is the victim.

The same way they frame crime stories. “He couldn’t help robbing that store, murdering everyone in it, and setting fire to it- he came from a broken home.”

Big hooping deal. A cousin of mine came from a one parent home. He’s happily married, has two great kids, just retired after thirty in the Air Force, and is getting an office with a view as a development supervisor at Lockheed.

It’s not where you’re from, it’s what you make of what you are. Look at Israel now vs where it was in 1947.

Now look at the “Palestinians”.

Israel took a desert and turned it into a garden. With no noticeable help from anybody.

The Palestinians, with the rest of the Islamic world behind them have, in 60 years, accomplished exactly…squat. Except raising their children to hate, to kill, and to celebrate when “infidels” die.

I’ve said before that culture is the deciding factor, more than anything else. My cousin comes from a culture where who your parents are isn’t as important as what you can do. The typical Hamashole comes from a culture where you are expected to avenge a slight to your several-times-great grandpappy’s second cousin on his mother’s side of the house by killing somebody you don’t know from Adam’s off ox. And your family will “help” you do it, even (or especially) if it will get you killed in the process.

That’s what you get from an entire culture that is not merely “dysfunctional”, but sociopathic.

As for the “progressives” over here, as L. Neil Smith once observed, they think failure is romantic. And that success means you cheated. (Unless, of course, you became a “success” by letting them tell you what to do.) By their standards, the fact that the Palestinians have produced nothing but hatred and wanton destruction for two-thirds of a century, coupled with their intense hatred of the West in any form, makes them the de facto “good guys”.

This is more of a commentary on the “progressives” than it is on reality, IMHO.

