
New Info from CRU Hacking Investigation

iceweasel2/14/2010 7:23:26 pm PST

re: #344

Wish I could.
I honestly don’t understand science well enough to understand half of what is written about AGW.

What I do know is this - there is no way millions, billions of p can live here on the earth, using the earth’s resources, and NOT have some sort of effect on it. And so I am perfectly willing to believe the conclusions of experts that can be trusted.

Excellent post.

The short rundown on tomorrow is that Walter has claimed there are problems with the code and will be posting some 23K words about that.
His initial claim was that this would show errors in the results, and CJ has called him on that.
Walter has been walking that claim back.

Expect a tremendous treatise on coding errors, to be rebutted very briefly with “Where are the errors in the results? Where are the errors in the conclusions?”

This is the projected synopsis of the thread to come; there will be many, many sideline objections and arguments made on both sides of the debate, but keep your eye on the ball. ;)