
Stevie Ray Vaughan in Denmark, 1988

Birth Control Works6/27/2011 9:18:19 pm PDT

re: #352 austin_blue

CAD killed the Architects. Any twink with a computer can design a house. Too bad the foundations are totally inappropriate for the underlying soils, but by the time the house starts to break apart, the original designer is long gone.

Amateurs have no business acting as professionals, but that is the world we we live in. We don’t want quality, we want *value*, even if it is false value. Your profession, especially in residential construction, is the poster child. I cannot tell you how many slab houses have been built in East Austin on a massive shrink/swell montmorillonite clay.

I’m tired of all the modern homes. I call them “Lego Homes”. So boring. It shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg to build an architecturally interesting home.