
Exposed: 'Fear Inc.' - The Anti-Muslim Hate Industry

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/26/2011 3:48:00 pm PDT

This is well written and informative.

In no way do I mean to dismiss or demean the millions of hardworking and kind-hearted Muslims out there. I am well aware that Sharia opinions and rulings are far from monolithic and that there is tremendous variation in Sharia from community to community. I have no beef with the rights of other Americans to practice their faith, or have disputes voluntarily bindingly arbitrated in America.

It is absolutely true that a series of neo fascists have made Islam into a bogey man for their own twisted political ends.

I make a strong distinction between an educated Muslim in the West and the less than pleasant people in other parts of the world.

That said, what of the balanced picture?

It is absolutely true that Sharia involves charity and compassion. It is also absolutely true that in many nations, it provides for public decapitation, brutal stoning, dismemberment and a host of barbaric medieval punishments. Women are treated abhorrently. Homosexuals must live in fear for their lives. Members of other faiths are literally second class citizens if allowed to be present at all.

The one thing that this article seems to fail to address are the very legitimate concerns with the way this code is practices in most majority Muslim nations.

So no