
Tuesday Night Jam: Darwin Deez: "You Can't Be My Girl"

Mattand2/20/2013 8:45:20 am PST

Just finished listening to the audio/podcast version of Rachel Maddow’s run-up to the Iraq War doc. Since no one asked me for my opinions, here they are:

1. I didn’t really learn anything new, but the sheer audacity of the Bush administration is breathtaking. Given the damage he did to both the American and Iraqi peoples, hearing Bush insist it was the right choice is infuriating.

I had forgotten how much his voice grates on me, with its combo of folksy, condescension and arrogance.

2. Is Maddow correct about LBJ lying about the Gulf of Tonkin? Need to look that one up, as I hadn’t heard it before.

3. I’m still angry at the “godless libruls” like Kerry and Hillary for supporting this. It was like giving Charles Manson keys to a gun shop and saying, “All right, Chuck, don’t you do anything crazy now, you scamp!”

4. I know this is going to sound condescending, but I still don’t understand how people bought the whole WMD story. My big problem at the time was the Administration initially pushing the Al Queda angle.

Bin Laden hated everybody who wasn’t Wahabi. To think he would work wiht Saddam just didn’t make sense. If Bush and Cheney were pushing this, why were they to be trusted on anything else?

My big thing is that Bush and Cheney absolutely should be brought up on some kind of charges. Not that it’ll ever happen.

And when you listen to conservatives pushing for an attack on Iran, I just get depressed. Because sooner or later, these loons will get control of government again.

If they do, it’s just a matter of time before WW III begins.