
US Baptists Accused of Child Trafficking in Haiti

Guanxi882/01/2010 4:51:08 pm PST

re: #347 idioma

No, but there might be some evidence that it was built. I’m asking very basically: what god told anyone anything, ever?

Or is god just another lame excuse to diddle kids and skim what little the poor have left? I’d like to think it’s all about love, but the evidence says otherwise.

But you can see through all of that, right? You’re clever enough NOT to be fooled by the scam that has enslaved (and continues to enslave) its hundreds of millions.

You - you are more intelligent, more thoughtful, and better educated, that Thomas Aquinas.

You - you have a mind keener than the Talmudic sages;

You - you possess a moral system and theory superior to that of the Rambam.

Great indeed is our good fortune, to have one such as you in our midst.