
Fox News Host on White House Fence Jumper: "BENGHAZI"

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)9/22/2014 11:21:09 am PDT

The more that Fox & the Great Echo Chamber screech about Benghazi, the more it looks desperate to anyone outside their shrinking base. They’ve succumbed to groupthink, and the lesson they took from the last election is that you win by “defining” the opponent early on. As in, the Democrats were able to “define” Mitt Romney as an out-of-touch, callous plutocrat. Which is why he lost.

Nothing to do with the fact that Mitten *is* an out-of-touch, callous plutocrat. Reality, to them, is a fungible good. They believe that by banging the drum continuously on the nothing that is Benghazi, they will be able to “define” Hilary.

Unfortunately for them, that definition of the Clintons was kinda done before they could get there, back in the 90s.

Roger Ailes is sweating and screaming. He knows what’s coming after Hilary wins. The Clintons, they are vindictive.