
White Supremacists Plan to Recruit at July 4th Tea Parties

eon5/26/2009 6:03:17 pm PDT

It’s sort of a given in politics that sooner or later, any grassroots movement operating like the tea parties (local, spontaneous, and without overall national coordination) will attract the attention of already-established groups seeking to co-opt the movement to their own agendas. During the Sixties and early Seventies, the Vietnam antiwar movement, and then the environmental movement, became wholly-owned subsidiaries of leftist extremists in just this way, and their descendants remain so today for the most part.

So the idea of the ultra-right-wing extremists trying to do the same to a movement they perceive as having goals similar to their own isn’t really surprising.

Although in the end I suspect they’ll be the ones getting the surprise, as most tea party types aren’t racists, a good portion aren’t white, and I’m not aware of any who are advocates of the kind of tribalist anarchism the Stormfront crowd dream of.

Unlike the extremists on the right and left, those whose primary interest is getting government spending and borrowing under control don’t buy the idea of blowing up the mansion to kill a mouse- or destroying our society to “save” it.

