
John Birch Society: 2009 Was a 'Record Setting Year'

Escaped Hillbilly1/09/2010 3:59:23 pm PST

But in seriousness, it really concerns me that they are targeting kids who get most of their news from the internet. How easy is it to shape the news they get? I know from running up against it, the ignorance they get from the web has strong mojo. The kids I work with will argue to death based on something they read online and refuse to allow that having actually lived through some of these events, I might know of which I speak. One example: When Pres Carter gave the Panama canal back to the Panamanians, it was past its usefulness…and it was theirs so we should have given it back. Whether or not you agree with Pres Carter’s actions in this case, no one at the time made such ludicrous claims. But it has become “common wisdom” now. Just try arguing with them. Just try.