
Maine Republicans Adopt Completely Insane Platform

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/10/2010 11:11:01 am PDT

Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion… So we are not free to not listen to religious views we don’t like or does that mean we can be forced to practice a state religion?

Everyone should be terrified of this first and foremost. Except for the following of course.

No rights of children?

Healthcare is not a right - but I’m sure owning guns is….

Look to corporations for pushing the “myth” of AGW?

This is the GOP? Yeah. We now see that a critical mass has happened in the wingnutsphere. The GOP kicked out all the adults and we are left with this. I am reminded of the Girondists being removed by the Jacobins and the Sans Coulettes.

Don’t worry, nothing that strikes of terror happened then.