
NYC Anti-Mosque Fanatic Tries to Tie Imam to Hizb Ut-Tahrir

lawhawk8/14/2010 7:07:07 pm PDT

Michael Gerson, President GW Bush’s speechwriter, came out in support of President Obama and his statements on Cordoba House’s right to build:

“An enormously complex and emotional issue — but ultimately the right thing to do,” Gerson said. “A president is president for every citizen, including every Muslim citizen. Obama is correct that the way to marginalize radicalism is to respect the best traditions of Islam and protect the religious liberty of Muslim Americans. It is radicals who imagine an American war on Islam. But our conflict is with the radicals alone.

Bush got slammed from the right wing for being tolerant towards all Muslims and for inclusiveness. Obama is taking the same tact, and getting hammered even harder. This tendency has been present within the right wing for some time - it didn’t just start with Cordoba House, and it certainly didn’t start with President Obama’s statements, but the right wing echo chamber has turned things up to 11.