
Respected Theologian Defends Genocide and Infanticide

Andrew Brehm5/07/2011 8:26:36 pm PDT

re: #33 Bubblehead II

“Do you know the difference between science and theology?”

Why, yes I do. One is based upon observable/verifiable facts. The other is based upon unverifiable myths.

Not only do we have a troll, we have a creationist troll. Let me guess, the Earth is flat and is only 6000 years old and the Flintstone’s isn’t a cartoon, it’s a documentary.

And the verifiable fact about that clergy man believing anything except what he said is what?

Now I am a creationist too?

The nutter level here has really gone up since Charles moved to the left. He probably doesn’t see it, but his new clientele seems to be far worse than his old one.

Although I do remember that one of the old guys once decided that I was a “Muslim” (back then that was a bad thing here among many commenters), because I defended the Kosovo.

But I do think it was easier to conclude from my defending Muslims that I was a Muslim than it was to conclude from this discussion here that I am a “creationist”.

Are there are any other things you think are bad? You can add them to the list of what I am. I am sure you will as soon as you can think of something.

Let me get you started: I could be a supporter of Ron Paul. I could be a Mormon. I might be a Republican. Or a WASP. Or from Texas. I could be a white supremacist. Don’t be shy, call me whatever you like. It’s really adding value to your point.