
Dazzling Stop Motion Animation: The Fall

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/14/2013 12:28:53 am PDT

I raised Tabor’s well publicized tomb work because there is a never ending stream of “theories” about Je$u$, the market for which seems to be endless.

E.g., Tom Verenna takes down another faker:

A New Theory That Jesus Was King of Edessa? Not So Fast, Mr. Ellis!

Ralph Ellis, Jesus, and his Myth of the King Jesus of Edessa

Religions is possibly the best known money maker, but to see so many books published each year in this country, sold to countless clueless, offering up nothing more than fanciful stories to stroke the fears/wants of insecure and often feeble-minded people… well, it’s a bit too much at times.