
Oh Noes! It's Oligarhy!

Kenneth8/30/2009 5:54:51 pm PDT

Next week on Beck’s Spelling Bee:

Obama played euchre in college… OK…
Now think about it…ask questions…

Euchre is a euphemism for what?

Euthanasia! That’s right: death panels!

And it has the word “asia” in it. Ask questions! You know what country is in Asia, don’t you? That’s right, Pakistan! Now Obama’s college roommate was from Pakistan. Don’t you think it’s possible they played euchre sometimes? Ask questions!

You know what else starts with “eu”? That’s right, eugenics! So now you see how we get from euchre to eugenics. Ask questions!

By the way, I’ve heard Herman Goering was a pretty sharp euchre player… back in Berlin, Deuchland, Europe! Which is the same city where Obama made a speech last summer!

Think about it! Euchre, Euthenasia, Eugenics… (sniff)…it’s not too late to save this Republic, if you love it as much as I do (sniffle)…

And it’s important to remember, you’re not alone!