
GOP Clown Car Arrives in Florida, Thread Two

Nerdy Fish1/24/2012 7:52:04 am PST

re: #360

Heh. My husband REFUSES to pay anyone to do our taxes. He does them, every year.

And every year, he makes some sort of error.

And so every year, we get a letter from the IRS about a tax return from a couple of years ago, telling us where the error is and what our additional tax (and penalty & interest) is.

It used to bother me, really it worried me a lot, to get an IRS letter every year. Not so much worried about it anymore.

When the tax laws and forms are so damned complicated that a reasonably intelligent person makes a mistake every year? I’ve got no problem being a thorn in the side of the IRS.

I’m surprised. Most tax programs these days have a built-in return checker that should eliminate this. Or does he do them on paper? Me, I’m a TurboTax addict, have been for many years. I actually enjoy filing my taxes.