
Overnight Video: Symphony of Science - the World of the Dinosaurs

Interesting Times3/21/2012 8:40:59 am PDT

How apropos:

Top Romney Adviser Says Romney Can Change His Positions After The Primaries: ‘It’s Almost Like An Etch A Sketch’

Mitt Romney can’t be held accountable for his extreme right-wing views, at least according to his campaign’s senior adviser, who said the candidate should be given a “reset button” on any positions he’s taken during the primary campaign

FEHRNSTROM: Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all of over again.

This just begs for an appropriate Photoshop, which I made just now:

Image: romney-etch-a-sketch.jpg