
Video: Tehran Street Scene

hazzyday6/16/2009 12:08:53 pm PDT

re: #264 HoosierHoops

Because the router tables can be controlled…The only way to get out is using a Proxie server on a Private IP….10.x.x.x. It’s tricky.But is doable.

All internet traffic in the northwest goes through the Westin Building. and then most of it goes to San Franciscon or San Jose for further routing. What escapes this are point to point leased phone lines with modems on them, and satellite traffic. Proxies can hide your location but proxy logs will reveal the next point of contact. Someone has to sift the data and make a human decision. It takes time and money to do that.

At one time there was an effort in Seattle to have a private cloud network based on peoples private networks. To escape the internet. But to talk to other people the interent needs a connection somewhere.

Net Neutraility is an effort to keep big government and big business out of you desktops.