
Ron Paul Angrily Denies Being 9/11 Truther, But...

wrenchwench1/03/2012 10:34:52 am PST

re: #362 pietercleppe

Newsflash (for you): not all state spending is financed through taxation or even borrowing. A lot of it is financed through the printing press, and more precisely, through the artificially big growth (or artificially small shrinking) of the monetary base.

Not news to me. The fact that Europeans can’t do the same thing may be contributing to the demise of the Euro as a currency. Sucks for them.

You really don’t know Ron Paul very well, I’m afraid. If you would, you’d see there’s more to politics than the partisan circus. Libertarians don’t think the state or congress should control money

And if you think Paul follows “what Libertarians think”, you don’t know him very well.