
A Timelapse of the Surface of the Sun in Stunning 4K Video

Skip Intro11/17/2014 11:18:55 am PST

re: #283 ObserverArt

If everyone can find the time…read the Dialy KOS article Sergey has linked. It is pretty sobering. It may be a little over the top, but then it may be spot on. It is worrisome at the very least.

Anyone who is still pretending that the Dems don’t have a huge age problem is living on Fantasy Island. Rep. Mike Honda (73) who just beat a much younger challenger says he expects to live to 103, and I guess he plans to stay in Congress until he keels over. The same goes for Diane Feinstein (81), Nancy Pelosi (74), Barbara Boxer (74), Harry Reid (74), Steny Hoyer (75) and on and on and on.

If the Dems don’t make way for some new blood in the party the GOP is going to walk away with the millennials. So what do they do?

They give Harry Reid and Nancy Peolosi another term as party leaders. If the party doesn’t dump the disastrous Debby Wasserman-Schultz from being the DNC chair it tells me that the Dems are fossilized relics of the distant past with no idea how to connect to voters of today.

Say hello to 50 years of Republican rule.