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Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/02/2011 4:47:35 am PST

re: #362 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

But, why would unions give more than corporations?

I don’t think that they do. I think that unions, by their nature, are very large organizations, and then tend to do their giving directly rather than indirectly— i.e., unlike the Koch brothers, not by funding a bunch of little fake ‘industry groups’ to lobby, but doing it directly.

I, personally, think we have a huge fucking problem with money in politics in the US. I don’t want unions to be able to spend the money to influence politicians, I don’t want corporations and their fake front groups to do so, either. I’m agin’ all of it.

But comparing numbers on unions, who can have millions of members, versus individual corporations on giving is comparing things of vastly different scale. The only measurement that would make sense would be all corporate giving vs. all union giving. The much better measurement would be all spending, including money given to 503(c)’s, to the lobbyist groups, to propaganda outlets, etc. etc.